15 lessons to learn before you're 30

As many of you belong to your 20’s and some of you are very near to 30’s, this the proper time to know about life and future prospects. This is the time to build career, health, relationships that will follow you on your 30’s, 40’s and so long.

It is not so easy to jump from your heavenly 20’s to dutiful 30’s, not so easy for anyone including me. Anyone of you who are in a doorstep of 25 they have five more years to light a candle for entering your 30’s as well as into the world of responsibility.

Now, you will ask me why I’m saying it is not so easy! I’ve just reach my 30 and there is a huge difference from my 20’s life. Life gives you different obstacles and you have to overcome those, but after 30, you have to face more obstacles than your 20’s life.

Your education is about to stop (regarding Bachelor’s and Master’s degree) and you have to move on to an another world called earning.

You must be feeling that you are no longer in a routine life, your college or university life was over, many of you becomes separated from your batch mates and now you have to move on.

Some gets frustrated during this time for not having proper guidance to their future life. So, it is the prime time to guide you.

You must take some lessons for yourself now either it will be good or bad, because many of us are not mentally  prepared perfectly for future.

In your 30’s you have to go through work, family, marriage, kids, owning your house etc.. This is not so buttery, managing everything with a smiling face is not so easy if you don’t know about some life lessons. This article brings you 15 life lessons to learn before you are 30.  

1. Work hard now and earn your money

Before 30 you have to work hard to earn your own money. During your 25, your degrees are completed, now you have move on to earning.

Work hard, have fun, make history."- Jeff Bezos

If you want to make your dreams in reality then it is the prime time to give your 100% effort to become successful. There is no way of shortcut to this but the hard work. Your earned money will be an asset in your 30's.

2. It is important to save your earned money

Not only earning money is important but also to save it. If you want to become wealthy in your 30's, try to save your earned money at first.

It is important to sticking to your budget. Just you have a handsome amount of money, so, you can buy any unnecessary thing, it is not like that. Your time will come when you will reach a platform, till then save your money.

"Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving."- Warren Buffett

You should decide that your monthly expenses will be covered by your earned money as well as you have to raise an emergency fund for yourself to cover up the unforeseen situations in your 30’s.

3. Invest your money for highest profit

It is a big thing to know how to invest your money. Not only earning money is important but also to invest it properly.

"They say money can't buy happiness. But it can sure as hell solve a lot of problems!"- Robert Rolih.

As soon as you started earning money invest it, your early invest helps to grow your wealth incredibly which makes you wealthy at your 30’s.

4. Choose a career you will love

Choosing a career is difficult, but once you have choose, you won’t look back.

Choose a career you love, then you don’t have to take pressure, you won’t feel depressed, the money will follow you.

Don’t choose your career under the social pressure, it will destroy your career as well as your life. Stick to your own decision and inform your parents about your dreams, they loves you, they will understand.

"Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do."- Steve Jobs

Once you choose you will perform it freely, in spite of different obstacles in your 30’s.

5. Family comes first

No matter what, your family comes first. Set priorities in your life.

Of course, your career should be the first priority but, family support is the most important accomplishment.

In our country many boys can’t complete their studies due to family problem or many girls get married due to family sentiment, of course there will be some valid reasons, but if you till not facing such problem in your life, you have a supportive family. They will support you always, don’t neglect them.

You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them"."- Desmond Tutu

Your friends will be busy with their family too, you will find your family always in your 30’s.

Photo by Zac Durant on Unsplash

6. Enjoy every moments with the loved ones

Enjoy little moments with your loved ones. During your 20’s you have no such burden and obstacles to overcome in life, I mean, you feel no such pressure to run a family or you have no extra headache.

"The best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it."- Richard Bach

So, you can utilize your time to spend with your loved ones. Be in present moments, don’t worry about your past and future, just be with them and enjoy every little moment with them. Because, as you grow your work, family, responsibilities will also grow, then you will miss these opportunities under huge amount of work load or family pressure in your 30’s.

7. Relationships will change, but your friends will always be there, don’t be depressed

Depression is one of the main cause of suffering in your 30’s. some of us can’t bear the pain of breakup with their partners and they drown into depression.

Here you should learn that it is a part of life. Whatever the reason of separation is, you should know that this is the way of life.

If you feel hard to maintain any relationship then, just get out of it. Always remember that your friends are there. Just discuss your feelings with them but don’t be depressed.

"Keep yourself busy if you want to avoid depression. For me, inactivity is the enemy."-Matt Lucas

You should be steady to fight with this situation as in your 30’s, you have to deal with the coming and going of people from your life.

8. Shut down your phone once in a while

Mobile, the whole world in your hand is not always necessary at all, specially in your prime time.

It can lower the concentration level, reduces memory, your eyes get tired, your study may hamper, your sleep get worsen and finally your communication skill also get imbalanced.

"Pay attention to humans, not to your phone."-Unknown

Don’t always blink at your phone screen, get your brain engage in your study and work. On focus mode in your mind not only your phone.

9. Don’t take life too seriously

Stop taking life too seriously. Many people wrestle over even the smallest things and increases complexity.

Stop thinking about the impressions you make on others, many of us take themselves very seriously and get hurt so easily and then they create intricacy.

“Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.”-Elbert Hubbard.

Don’t take anything as the evidence of your value or ability. You have to do many more things rather than going for judgmental or egoistic to any people. Keeping a over serious attitude can’t help to make better connections to other.

So, discard this over serious mentality before stepping into your 30’s.   

Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

10. Health is wealth: accept it

No matter how much wealthy you become, if your health is disturbed then your wealth has no value. “Health is wealth” is a true proverb.

You get a fit and fine body, so, you start doing torture with your body by eating unhealthy foods, not getting proper sleep, no exercising etc.. You won’t understand that your health is also start to deteriorate.

"Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live."- Jim Rohn

Just after you cross 30, health problem will start, so, its better to care for your body from now to remain healthy at your 30’s.

Drink required amount of water regularly, eat healthy foods, exercise a lot and get proper sleep to make your health a wealth at your 30’s.

11. Make exercising a habit

Doing exercise regularly is not so easy, and it is very tough for myself too. I usually can never continue it for prolong period, it is sure that it will be discontinued after some time. I know the same is happening with many of you.

Due to busy schedule, mentally unwillingness, lack of motivation or hard workout regime you can’t continue your exercise routine.

"Exercise should be regarded as a tribute to the heart."- Gene Tunney

So, start with mini workout regime, set very easy goal, keep motivated to exercise regularly to be fit in your 30’s.

12. Choose sound sleep over OTTs

Sleep is the primary requirements in our life and is the best medicine in our day to day life. Sound sleep is  necessary to concentrate in your work or study.

Try to sleep at a fixed time even on the weekends. Ensure 7 to 8 hours of sound sleep each night.

"Sleep is the best meditation."- Dalai Lama.

Carry forward this habit throughout your life. As you age may be you face some obstacles to sleep, but as possible stick to your habit.

13. Learn patience

Learning patience is very important for your 30’s, you have to show patience in different sphere.

So, make yourself wait for something, psychologically it is like that if we wait for something we want for long time can makes us happier for long run.

"One minute of patience, ten years of peace."- Greek proverb

Finish a work at a time, don’t be impatient. Please write down the things that makes you impatient.

At last calm the body and mind by taking deep breath slowly. Practice more patience to remain stress free and happy in your 30’s.

14. Love yourself and learn to say no to others

Self love is the most important over loving others. In your 20’s you need it most. Forget about the past just love yourself more than ever.

Practice gratitude, stop comparing yourself with others, forgive yourself, give a break, be kind to yourself.

"To fall in love with yourself is the first secret to happiness."= Robert Morley

Many of you do too much for other people by forgetting yourself, sometimes to please people. Understand your limit and focus on yourself to say no to others for sometimes at a cost of your happiness.

15. Enjoy a lot before you have kids

Many of us have kids at 30’s. In India, most girls get married under 30, and they have children during their 30.

Enjoying some thing is a bit difficult after having a baby. So, experience all the things you love, because life is yours and you have a complete right to lead it as you like.

"We're so busy watching out for what's just ahead of us that we don't take time to enjoy where we are."- Bill Watterson

So, in your 20’s, sleep a lot, read a lots of your favourite books, being creative, travel a lot, hanging out with friends, eating food of your choice on your time, fulfill your incomplete dreams etc.


No matter what, your life will change in your 30's. Some good or bad things will be there but you shouldn't be depressed with the worse condition. Be ready for each and every condition in your life. 

Now it is crucial time for your life to learn these lessons to lead a amazing life in your 30's. Prepare yourself accordingly to blow the candle for your 30th birthday and enjoy life.    

#Feature photo by Antonino Visalli on Unsplash


  1. Being on my early 20's...I felt this article very much useful, encouraging and heart touching.Thank you so much😊😊

    1. Most welcome.. Thank you for your support. 😊😊

  2. Very encouraging piece of information. ....thanks a lot ma'am ...

    1. Most welcome. Thank you for your support.

  3. Being 2X 30, I realised that if I could have this guidelines before, i could have managed more. Great goings...

    1. You have managed everything very well.. Thank you very much.. 💐💐

  4. Very informative and quotations are awesome. This article is too much helpful for youths..🥰

    1. Thank you very much.. I'm glad that you found it helpful. 😊

  5. Such a relatable article...You are an excellent author mam. Keep up the good work 👍🏼

    1. Thank you very much Sayoni. I'm glad that you like it.. 😊👌


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