15 ways to simplify your life in 2021

Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay     Edited by ConSCIENCE

Who doesn’t want to live a happy, simple, hassle free life all time, but, in this daily rat race, we somehow make our life a little bit complicated mostly unknowingly. 

So, I just want to convey you some points to urge you to simplify your life in this 2021.

We all warmly welcomed the New Year 2021, forgetting the odds of previous year and for this New Year, it is the only wish that we can beat coronavirus and live happy and healthy.

So, at the beginning of the year, know some useful ways to simplify your life in 2021. Yes, my article brings you 15 scientifically focused ways to simplify your life in 2021.

[Further Reading: 15 lessons to learn before you're 30]

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

1. Spend less time on social media

Spending less time on social media is first on the list of ways to simplify your life. In my previous article I have already explained its consequences. In this New Year promise yourself, not to spend much time on social platforms.

It can’t give you happiness; rather it harms you a lot, mentally as well as physically. After seeing some amazing photographs of your friends, somehow you try to compare yourself with them and when your dreams not come true like theirs you feel down.

Yes, you can mingle with your friends, family members and use it for your business purposes, but don’t just scrolling and scrolling the news feed, it is very unproductive.

It takes a lot of precious time from your life, and gives nothing expect comparison, demoralization, depression, headache etc. Your eyes get harm as well. 

So, to simplify your life turn down the social media and live your live happily.  

Image by Vidmir Raic from Pixabay 

2. Watch less TV

Number two on the list of ways to simplify your life is watch less TV’. This too is explained in my previous article. If you want to make your life simple then just spend very less time on watching TV.

Stop wasting your precious time by watching the stupid box. I cut down my habit of watching TV around 10 years ago. Do something productive in that time.

You can use those time by thinking of your life to simplify more, or use those time to spend with your family, friends or in your wellbeing.

“I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.”— Groucho Marx

[Further Reading: Lifestyle hacks to live longer and fruitful]

3. Downsize your life or simplify your house work

This is the time to downsize your life. If you have a lot of space in your house, then you may think to buy new furniture or other things. 

It will spend a lot, and how much things you have, you have to clean or maintain it properly. It takes time.

I think in the younger age or in the first half of your career, make a small house to cut down unnecessary spending or housebound hard works. 

Just simplify your house work, don’t deal with it for the maximum time in a day, rather focus on your work, job, relationship etc.

4. Spend less on entertainment

To live simple you have to spend less. Spend less in every aspect; don’t just spend a lot as you know as you earned a lot. 

Try to find some free entertainment or you will spend a lot in case of gaining entertainment.

So, stop spending on entertainment purposes, it will help you to simplify your life as you now notice some budget friendly of absolutely free entertainments like riding a cycle, use a public library, playing board games, going to entry-fee less parks etc.

5. Organize your life

Number five on the list of ways to simplify your life in 2021 is ‘organize your life’. It is very much necessary to organize your life to live simply.

Make a to do list, or make a calendar to not to forget your works or important days, as this helps you to do your job perfectly and you havn’t to feel hurry or tensed regarding your works.

Self organization is important in all aspects of life to get better flavor of living. Your stress level will be minimized magically; it will help you to save some extra time.

So, use an organizer or planner or just set small reminder on your phone to live a simple life.  

“For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned.”– Anonymous

Image by Gino Crescoli from Pixabay 

6. Don’t waste time on being negative

Negativity is all around of us, but, you don’t need to sink on that. Whether your exam was not up to the mark; your meetings get cancelled with your clients or your close friend won’t reply you, then it will affect your mind.

But don’t stay negative all day long thinking of those problems. In life many situations give you negative remarks, but you have to stay positive, otherwise it will leave impact on your life.

So, to live simple increase positivity on your mind, don’t complicate your life by negativity.

[Further Reading: Harsh life realities you need to know]

7. Start saying 'No' more frequent

Saying no more often will leads to a simple life. So, to simplify your life, understand where you should say yes. If you face any situation which is uncontrollable, then try to say ‘no’ for your wellbeing.

If you can’t say no more often then, it is sure that your life will get more complicated. So, for simple living saying no more frequent is very necessary.

Image by Maria_Domnina from Pixabay 

8. Go cashless

Going cashless is very important to simplify your life in 2021. Always make ready your debit or credit cards to make automatic bill payments, shopping etc.

Going paperless is too much ‘In’ and it may offer some discounts in some place. Going cashless will save you from transmission of 'corona like viruses' too via cash. You won’t have to worry about payments of bills or carrying a large amount of cash with you in this 2021.

So, going cashless will automatically leads you to a simple life.

9. Find things which are truly important in your life

New year is the best time to think about the previous year, that what made you happy, who gave you priority, who was with you or not, what brought you joy etc.

I mean, this is the time to find things which are truly important to you, and makes your life simple. 

Make a list of them (your dreams, goals, priorities etc.) and after knowing that properly, you can work on that to make your life more simple than ever. 

[Further Reading: Improve your work-life balance]

10. Gain confidence

Number ten on the list of ways to simplify your life in 2021 is gaining confidence. It will help you to be least bothered by insecurities and that’s why you will live a life very simply.

It is not so easy way, for gaining confidence you will have to believe in yourself at the very first time and time by time you will increase your self confidence.

If you develop your confidence level, then nothing will stop you from living a happy and simple life. Confidence can help you to speak with public, make more money or get job, start a business or travel the world.

Nothing will be impossible to you and it surely makes your life so simple to live in 2021.

“In fact, the confidence of the people is worth more than money.”– Carter G. Woodson


                            Image by Avi Chomotovski from Pixabay

11. Find peace

Finding peace is much more important in this era to live a happy and simple life. There was a havoc rush and annoyances in your outer world, but, you have to stay cool and maintain everything in your life.

Learn to relax, choose to do some work later, not right now and set your mind like that, it will help you to find peace more easily.  

Finding peace internally and being less bothered by the outer infuriation makes your life simple.

12. Simplify your clothing

Simplify your clothing is as important as maintaining the previous points to simplify your life in 2021.

During this hustle and bustle of life, make your clothing comfortable and simple. Put back the junk, heavy dresses on the wardrobe and put on the comfortable, light one without thinking a lot of time about what to wear this morning!

It is pro tip: decide the dresses you want to wear throughout the week and hang or store them one after another to save time in the morning. It makes your life a little bit simple I think.

[Further Reading: Habits of successful people]

13. Simplify your meals

You need to simplify your meals too, it is 2021, and life should be fast here. Now you should make your meal in a hurry. Every one of us have very less time to make lots of traditional foods having 2-3 hours of preparation and cooking time.

So, make it short. You need proper nutrition, not any competition to show up your family members or friends that during lunch or dinner you will be surrounded by so many bowls of delicious food, it is not a buffet too.

So, eat that makes you comfortable and saves your precious time.  

[Further Reading: Simple cooking and eating tips]

14. Set a morning routine

A morning routine is must to simplify your life in 2021. If don’t have one, after waking up you will feel messy and so much time will spend to think of your next move.

So, set a morning routine and feel yourself more motivated in every morning, of course, it will help you to simplify your life from now.

15. Be at present moment

Just be at present moment, don’t complicate your life by dragging the past moment very often. To simplify your life, you should be on present moment and enjoy the little things around us.

Regarding previous year, this year will be busier. Due to pandemic, there was a gap in our life, which should be filled in the upcoming days, so, take time to think what is going on around you and be at present.

Staying at present moment will show you how to enjoy the little things and it will automatically simplify your life in 2021.

“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.” — Buddha

[Further Reading: Self-care tips]

Image by Jess Foami from Pixabay 


Simple life is a key to happiness and happiness is all that we want in our life, try to live simple by following the demand of your life, not all of those points mentioned above, just follow whatever is needed in your life.

Definition of simple living is different for everyone, but in general it means, to live without any extra mental or physical load that will distracts you from focusing on necessary things.

In the starting of 2021, if you learn to live simple, then you will gain a lot of extra time and happiness in all along the year. Have a simple and happy life…


  1. There is Beauty in Simplicity ....very nice article....thank you so much for sharing your valuable opinion..It was amazing as always...Carry on...I will always support you 😊😊😊

    1. Thank you very much for your uplifting comment. Have a happy and simple life. Keep supporting.. 😊😊

  2. It was well-written and contained sound, practical advice. In fact, I have already benefited from your discussion on weight management through various blog doctrines. You pointed out several things that I will remember for this virgin year and years to come across. I look forward to reading your next informative work. Thank you.

    1. Thank you very much for your encouraging comment. I am so glad you have benefitted from my articles.
      Keep supporting always. 😊

  3. Excellent write up ma'am. Will definitely try to implement the above tips to lead a simple life this year. Thanks for your healthy & informative articles.

  4. I think it's one of the best content among all.... Nice guidelines for all ... thanks a lot👍👍👍

  5. I have found this article really great and helpful too..it's so practical. Thank you so much Ma'am.

  6. Thank u so much mam for this article...i am gonna trying this in my life ..n it always gives me positive vives....😀😀😀😀n make me most happiest person

  7. All the points are moves us to positive way, very much useful for everyone. Thank you so much mam for this wondering article. May 2021 brings us a lot of happiness.


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